20 Days, 20 States
And just like that, Batch #1 is a wrap.
Our Rise-N-Shine Batch will be on its way to 20 states in just two short weeks. Our five - yes, five! - purveyors are excited to be a part of our inaugural Batch and you'll be learning a lot more about them very soon.
As you'll notice, Batch #2 is up and ready to order. Not only can you order the October "After Dinner" Batch, you can also sign you or a friend up for another seasonal subscription (October, November, December). If you already signed up for a season with Batch #1, don't sweat. We'll remind you when it's time to re-up your subscription for three more months.
When we began this journey a few months ago, we weren't entirely sure how long it might last. While dreaming about the concept, we got great verbal feedback from friends, family, and colleagues, but we knew that the true test would come when it was time for people to put their money where they mouth was and actually subscribe.
And as we've mentioned, we were blown away by your support for all things local.
So today, we're announcing that Batch is here to stay. We're no longer in "beta" as they say in the high(er)-tech world. From now on, anyone can sign up for any Batch on a monthly or seasonal (three-month) basis.
What's also cooler, is that we've begun dreaming even bigger, thanks to you. Over the next few weeks we'll be offering our first gift set, full of locally-made products. This allows you to send a thoughtful and unique gift to someone you care about (while also knowing ahead of time what you're sending).
And the dreams won't stop there. Thanks for letting us think big.